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Office Directions

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Driving Directions from the 10 Freeway:

1. Going West on the 10 Freeway Exit HAVEN AVE. Turn LEFT on HAVEN AVE. (L)


1b. If your Going EAST on the 10 Freeway Exit HAVEN AVE Turn RIGHT on HAVEN AVE. (R)

2. Continue on HAVEN AVE. and Turn LEFT on 6TH ST. (L)

3. Turn RIGHT on CENTER AVE. (R)

4. Turn LEFT on INDIANA CT. (L)

5. Arrive at 10235 Indiana CT.

Driving Directions from the 15 Freeway:

1. Going NORTH on the 15 Freeway take the 4TH STREET exit and turn LEFT on 4TH ST. (L)


1b. Going SOUTH on the 15 Freeway take the 4TH STREET exit and turn RIGHT on 4TH ST. (R)

2. Turn RIGHT on HAVEN AVE (R)

3. Turn LEFT on 6TH ST. (L)


5. Turn LEFT on INDIANA CT. (L)

6. Arrive at 10235 Indiana CT..